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1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,32301360,植物元素网络变异规律与草地生产力维持机制:基于长期氮磷添加实验,30万元,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金,第70批面上资助,2021M703186,中国森林植物多元素分配策略及对群落生产力的调控机制,8万元,主持


1. Zhang, J., N. He, C. Liu, L. Xu, Z. Chen, Y. Li, R. Wang, G. Yu, W. Sun, C. Xiao, H. Y. H. Chen, and P. B. Reich. 2020. Variation and evolution of C:N ratio among different organs enable plants to adapt to N‐limited environments. Global Change Biology 26:2534-2543.

2. Zhang, J., L. O. Hedin, M. Li, L. Xu, P. Yan, G. Dai, and N. He. 2022. Leaf N:P ratio does not predict productivity trends across natural terrestrial ecosystems. Ecology 103:e3789.

3. Zhang, J., N. Zhao, C. Liu, H. Yang, M. Li, G. Yu, K. Wilcox, Q. Yu, and N. He. 2018b. C:N:P stoichiometry in China's forests: from organs to ecosystems. Functional Ecology 32:50-60.

4. Jiao, C., J. Zhang*, H. Yu, and N. He. 2024. Variation of magnesium drives plant adaption to heterogeneous environments by regulating efficiency in photosynthesis on a large scale. Journal of Ecology.

5. Yan, P.,J. Zhang*, N. He*, W. Zhang, C. Liu, and M. Fernández‐Martínez. 2023. Functional diversity and soil nutrients regulate the interannual variability in gross primary productivity. Journal of Ecology 111:1094-1106.

6. Cheng, C.,J. Zhang*, M. Li,C.Liu,L.Xu, and N.He*. 2024. Vertical structural complexity of plant communities represents the combined effects of resource acquisition and environmental stress on the Tibetan Plateau. Communications Biology, 7:395.

7. Zhang, J., X.Wang,J.Hou,X.Li,M.Li,W.Zhao, and N.He. 2024. High-resolution community-level sodium variation on the Tibetan Plateau: Content, density, and storage. Science of The Total Environment,944:173766.

8. Jiao, C.,J. Zhang*, X. Wang, and N. He. 2022. Plant magnesium on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Spatial patterns and influencing factors. Science of the Total Environment, 862:160743.

9. Zhang, J., M. Li, L. Xu, J. Zhu, G. Dai, and N. He. 2021a. C:N:P stoichiometry in terrestrial ecosystems in China. Science of the Total Environment 795:148849.

10. Jiao, C.,J.Zhang*,X.Wang,and N.He. 2024. Optimal allocation strategies of plant calcium on Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129: e2023JG007884.

11. Zhang, J., N. He, C. Liu, L. Xu, Q. Yu, and G. Yu. 2018a. Allocation strategies for nitrogen and phosphorus in forest plants. Oikos 127:1506-1514.

12. Zhang, J., T. Ren, J. Yang, L. Xu, M. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Han, and N. He. 2021b. Leaf multi-element network reveals the change of species dominance under nitrogen deposition. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:580340.




Jiahui Zhang, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Doctoral supervisor.

Research area:

1. Ecological stoichiometry and allocation of nutrients

2. Exploring ecosystem structure and functions using plant functional traits

Email: zhangjiahui@nefu.edu.cn