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金会军(hjjin@nefu.edu.cn),教授,博士生导师。东北林业大学成栋领军人才、冻土研究所所长;中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院冰冻圈科学与冻土工程全国重点实验室研究员(百人计划—海外引进杰出人才)、中国科学院大学资源环境学院二级教授博导(兼)。主要从事雪冰冻土生态学与碳中和、土木/岩土工程、寒区工程与环境专业相关教研工作。获2017年国家科技进步一等奖(冻土工程国家创新团队),共15人,7th)、2020年中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖(高寒冻土中俄原油管道关键技术)(共15人,8th)和2024年甘肃省自然科学二等奖(气候暖湿化驱动下江河源区冻土的响应机制及其环境效应)(共5人,2nd)。主持国家自然科学基金、科技部和中科院项目等30余项。发表论文400余篇,其中第一作者论文70余篇、通讯100余篇;SCI论文150+、EI 30+;H指数59,SCI总被引12000余次,单篇最高SCI被引>390。









2020.10 -2024.06,东北林业大学 土木工程学院 教授/研究员、博导;

2016.10-2020.09,哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院 岩土工程学科教授、博导

2016.06-2020.10,中科院西北生态环境资源研究院与冻土工程国家重点实验室 研究员、副主任

2014.10-2020.10,中国科学院大学冻土与寒区工程、冻土学、冻土工程减防灾 教授、博导

2012.12-2016.06,中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所 冻土与寒区工程室 副主任 及 冻土工程国家重点实验室 副主任,研究员


2001.09-2003.12,Alaska大学(Anchorage)商业与公共管理学院,助教和EPSCoR Res Fellow








1) 《Frontiers in Earth Science》副主编(Associate Editor)(2022-);

2) 《Permafrost and Periglacial Processes》编委(2012-);《Advances in Climate Change Research》编委(2019-);《水利科学与寒区工程》,编委(2018-)

3) 《Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions》执行主编(2008-2020年)、编委;《气候变化研究进展》编委(2006-);《冰川冻土》编委(2004-)。


2024年9月6-7日,东北亚寒区工程与环境研讨会(Symp Cold Reg Eng & Environ in NE Asia (CREENA))共同主席


2024年4月起,冰冻圈科学与冻土工程全国重点实验室 学术委员会 委员


2023年9月起,中国科学院中蒙俄寒旱区环境与工程国际研究中心学术委员会 委员

2023年9月起,俄罗斯矿业科学院(地下水与水文地质专业委员会) 外籍院士;

2022年7月起,东北林业大学 冻土研究所所长;

2016年起,IPA/GTN-P,Senior Advisor and National Correspondent of China

2019年12月9-12日,首届南半球多年冻土大会(新西兰皇后镇) 科学指导委员

2018年起,亚洲寒区工程与环境国际研究中心(兰州/Yakutsk) 副主任

2017年7月4-6日,第2届亚洲冻土大会(2nd Asia Conf on Permafr, SACoP; 日本札幌,)科学指导委员、野外考察组委;


2016-,中国第四纪科学研究会(CHIQUA)应用第四纪专业委员会 委员;

2012-2016,第11届国际冻土大会(ICOP 2016,德国波茨坦)学术指导委员;





2010-,国际冰冻圈科学委员会(IACS)/中国国家委员会冰冻圈气候与环境记录 共同主席;



2006年7月,第1届亚洲冻土大会(1st Asia Conf on Permafrost, FACoP;中国兰州,)组委委员、野外考察指导、讲解;

2004-,美国冻土协会 海外会员 (USPA Member at Large);


1998-2016,国际冻土协会(IPA)中国国家代表(Representative of China);





发表论文450+篇,其中一作73、通讯120+;SCI 150+、EI 30+;SCI被引12,112次(单篇最高390次). Google学术h指数59, i10指数214 (RG h-index 54;https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Huijun-jin).‬‬



1) Jin H, Fedorov AN, Bertoldi G, Luo D*, Feng M, Ran Y, Iwahana G, 2023. Editorial: Cloud-platform-aided mapping, monitoring, and model-prediction of cryospheric changes in the Eurasia Water Towers.Front Earth Sci –Cryos Sci,11. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2023.1320278

2) Jin H*, Yang D, Makarieva O*, Tang L, 2023. Changes in permafrost and snow cover in the Boreal and Arctic zones (BAZ) and their impacts.Adv Clim Change Res,14(2): 157-163.

3) Jin H, Huang Y*, Bense VF, Ma Q*, Marchenko SS, Shepelev VV, Liang S, Jin X, et al., 2022. Permafrost degradation and its hydrogeological impacts.Water,14(3): 372. DOI: 10.3390/w14030372.

4) Jin H*, Ma Q*, 2021. Impacts of permafrost degradation on carbon stocks and emissions under a warming climate: A review.Atmosphere12(11): 1425. DOI:10.3390/atmos12111425

5) Jin H, Wu Q, Romanovsky VE, 2021. Editorial: Impacts from degrading permafrost.Adv Clim Change Res,12(1): 1-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.accre.2021.01.007.

6) Jin H*, Vandenberghe JY (equivalent contributor), Luo D*, Harris SAY, He R, Chen X, Jin X, Wang Q, Zhang Z, Spektor V, Wu Q, Wang S, 2020. Quaternary permafrost in China: A preliminary framework and some discussions.Quaternary, 3: 32. DOI: 10.3390/quat3040032.

7) 金会军*,金晓颖*,何瑞霞,罗栋梁,常晓丽,王绍令, Sergey S Marchenko,杨思忠,易朝路,李世杰, Harris SA, 2019.两万年来中国多年冻土演化.中国科学,D辑:地球科学,49(8): 1197-1212.

8) Jin H*, Jin X*, He R, Luo D*, Chang X, Wang S, Marchenko SS, Yang S, Yi C, Li S, Harris SA, 2019. Evolution of permafrost in China during the last 20 ka.Sci China, Series D: Earth Sci,62(8): 1207-1223. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-018-9272-0

9) Jin H, Chang X, Luo D, He R, Lü L, Yang S, Guo D, Chen X, Harris SA, 2016. Evolution of permafrost and periglacial environments in Northeast China since the Last Glaciation Maximum.Sci Cold Arid Regions,8(4): 269-296

10) 金会军,吕兰芝,何瑞霞,王绍令,2014.基于气候干燥度的青藏高原多年冻土区分类新方案.冰川冻土,36(5): 1049-1057

11) Jin H, Luo D, Wang S,et al., 2011. Spatiotemporal variability of permafrost degradation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Sci Cold Arid Regions,3(4): 281-305.

12) 金会军,常晓丽,郭东信,等, 2011.呼伦贝尔高平原全新世早晚期砂、土楔及其古气候意义.第四纪研究,31(5): 765-779.

13) Jin H, 2010. Design and construction of a large-diameter crude oil pipeline in Northeastern China.Cold Reg Sci Technol,64(3): 209-212.

14) Jin H, Hao J, Chang X,et al., 2010. Zonation and assessment of frozen-ground conditions for engineering geology along the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline route from Mo’he to Daqing, Northeastern China.Cold Reg Sci Technol,64(3): 213-225.

15) Jin H, He R, Cheng G,et al., 2009. Change in frozen ground and eco-environmental impacts in the Sources Area of the Yellow River (SAYR) on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China.Environ Res Lett,4: 045206.

16) Jin H, Yu Q, Wang S,et al., 2008. Changes in permafrost environments along the Qinghai–Tibet engineering corridor induced by anthropogenic activities and climate warming.Cold Reg Sci Technol,53(3): 317-333

17) Jin H, Sun G, Yu S,et al., 2008. Symbiosis of marshes and permafrost in the Da and Xiao Hinggan Mountains in Northeastern China.Chinese Geogr Sci,18(1): 62-69

18) Jin H, Wei Z, Wang S,et al., 2008. Assessment of frozen-ground conditions for engineering geology conditions along the Qinghai-Tibet highway and railway, China.Eng Geol, 101: 96-109. DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.04.001.

19) Jin H, Yu Q, Lü L,et al., 2007. Degradation of permafrost in the Xing'anling Mountains, Northeastern China.Permafr Periglac Process,18(2): 245-258

20) Jin H, Chang X, Wang S, 2007. Evolution of permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the end of the Pleistocene. J Geophys Res, 112: F02S09. DOI: 10.1029/2006JF000521.

21) Jin H, Zhao L, Wang S,et al., 2006. Thermal regimes and degradation modes of permafrost along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway.Sci China,49(D11): 1170-1183.

22) 金会军,赵林,王绍令,晋锐, 2006.青藏公路沿线冻土温度曲线和退化方式.中国科学, 49(D11): 1009-1019.

23) Jin H, Li S, Cheng G, Wang S, Li X, 2000. Permafrost and climatic change in China.Glob Planet Chan,26: 387-404.

24) Jin H, Cheng G, Li X,et al., 2000. Geocryology in China in the turn of the 21st century.Permafr Periglac Process,11(1): 23-33

25) 金会军,李述训,王绍令,等, 2000.气候变化对中国多年冻土和寒区环境的影响.地理学报,55(2): 161-173.

26) Jin H, Cheng G, Li X,et al., 1999. Permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau under a warming climate.Chin Sci Bull, 44(S1): 152-158.

27) 金会军,吴杰,程国栋,中野智子, 1999.青藏高原冷湿地生态系统甲烷排放研究.科学通报,44(16): 1758-1762.

28) Jin H, Wu J, Cheng G,et al., 1999. Methane emissions from the cold wetlands ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Chin Sci Bull,44(24): 2282-2286


29) Jin X, Huang S, Wang H, Wang W, Li X, He R, Yang S, Yang X, Li SZ, Zhang SR, Zhang Z, Yang L,Jin H*, 2024. Quantifying the influencing factors of the thermal state of latitudinal permafrost in Northeast China. Geoderma, DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.117003.

30) Li X*,Jin H*, Feng Q, Wu Q, He R, Wang H, Chang X, Raul-David Șerban R-D, Gagarin L, and Zhan T, 2024. An integrated dataset of ground hydrothermal regimes and soil nutrients monitored during 2016-2022 in some previously burned areas in hemiboreal forests in Northeast China.Earth Sys Sci Data, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2024-187

31) 王娇娇,张虎*,金晓颖,黄帅,王宏伟,王文辉,詹涛,周刚义,车富强,李艳,李新宇,何瑞霞,张泽,张圣嵘,李国玉,童长江,王逊,金会军*, 2024.气候变暖背景下砾石换填对多年冻土区机场跑道下地温场的影响.气候变化研究进展,doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2023.216.

32) 朱美全,金晓颖*,车富强,王宏伟,王文辉,李善珍,周刚义,李国玉,李新宇,何瑞霞,杨如轩,张泽,金会军*, 2024.基于DSR理论-综合云理论的中俄冻土区管道 保温层效果失效类型研究.冰川冻土,46(2): 625-636.

33) Chang XY, Jin H*, Zhang YY, Li X, He R, Li Y, Lü L, Wang H, 2024. Major features of latitudinal permafrost in northern Da Xing’anling (Hinggan) Mountains, Northeast China and their changes.Environ Res Lett,19: 064014. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad42b6

34) Wang H, Jin H*, Che T, Li X*, Dai L, Qi Y, Huang C, He R, Zhang J, Yang R, Luo D, Jin X, 2024. Influences of snow cover on the thermal regimes of Xing'an permafrost in Northeast China in 1960s–2010s.Permafr. Periglac. Process.,35: 188-201. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.2223.

35) Zhang SY, Jin DY,Jin H*, Li C, Zhang H, Jin X, Cui J, 2024. Changing soil radon in regions of degrading permafrost and its impacts to public health security: A review. Earth-Sci Rev, DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2024.104684.

36) Li X*,Jin H*, 2024. An integrated dataset of ground hydrothermal regimes and soil nutrients monitored during 2016-2022 in some burned areas in Northeast China.National Tibetan Plateau/Third Pole Environment Data Center. https://doi.org/10.11888/Cryos.tpdc.300933

37) 周宇*,李国玉*,马巍,金会军*,陈敦,毛云程,杜青松, 2023.石冰川形成机制、运动特征及水文效应研究进展.冰川冻土,45(2): 409-422.

38) Șerban R-D,Jin H*, Șerban M, Bertoldi G, Luo D, Wang Q, Ma Q, He R, Jin X, Li X, Tang J, Wang H, 2023. An observational network of ground surface temperature under different land-cover types on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Earth Syst Sci Data,16(3): 1425-1446. DOI: 10.5194/essd-2023-108.

39) Yang X, Jin X*, Yang S,Jin H*, Wang H, Li X, He R, Wang J, Sun Z, Yuan H, 2023. Changes in soil substrate and microbial properties associated with permafrost thaw reduce net nitrogen mineralization. Forests, 14: 2060. DOI: 10.3390/f14102060.

40) Wang W, Jin X*, Jin H*, Wang X, He R, Li XYu, Li Y, Li XYg, Wang W, Wang L, Wei C, Zhou G, Spektor VV, Șerban D-R, Șerban M, Zhang Z, 2023. Evaluation of ground deformation at the segment of Xiufeng-Jinsong in northern Heilongjiang Province along the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline, Northeast China using InSAR and ground survey.Eng Geol,323(8). DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2023.107227.

41) Wang H,Jin H*, Li Xyg*, Zhou L, Huang C, Qi Y, He R, Ma Q, Șerban DR, Yang S, Wang W, 2023. Impacts of degrading Xing’an permafrost in Northeast China on carbon storage. GISci Remote Sens, 60(1): 2217578. https://doi.org/10.1080/15481603.2023.2217578

42) Wang Q, Jin H*, Mu C, Wu X, Zhao L, Wu Q, 2023. Non-climate environmental factors matter to Holocene dynamics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in an alpine permafrost wetland, Southwest China.Adv Clim Change Res,14(2): 213-225.DOI: 10.1016/j.accre.2023.04.001.

43) Ma Q,Jin H*, Wu Q*, Liang S, Șerban R.-D., Lan Y, 2023.Changes in hydrological processes in the Headwater Area of Yellow River on NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, SW China during 1956-2019.Adv Clim Change Res,14(2): 237-247.DOI: 10.1016/j.accre.2023.03.006.

44) Jin X, Tang J†, Luo D, Wang Q, He R, Raul-D. Șerban R-D, Li Y, Șerban M, Li XZ, Wang H, Li XYg, Wang W, Wu Q, Jin H*, 2023. Impacts of National Highway G214 on vegetation in the Source Area of Yellow and Yangtze rivers on the Southern Qinghai Plateau, West China.Remote Sens, 15(6): 1547. DOI: 10.3390/rs15061547.

45) Wang W,Jin H*, Zhang Z#, Zhelezniak MN#, Spektor VV, Șerban DR, Li A, Dumskoy V, Jin X, Yang S, Zhang S, Șerban M, Wu Q, 2023. Monitoring ground surface deformation of ice-wedge polygon and its influencing factors in Saskylakh, Northwest Yakutia, Russia using the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Google Earth Engine (GEE).Remote Sens, 15: 1335. DOI: 10.3390/rs15051335.

46) Li XYg,Jin H*, Sun L*, He RY, Wang HY, Li Y, Huang Y, Yang X, Jin X, Chang X, Li X, Wang L, Wei C, Zhang Z. 2023.Influence of wildfire on the rapidly changing features of patchy permafrost, Northeast China. Land Degrad Dev, 34(9): 2652-2667. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.4637.

47) Șerban R-D, Bertoldi G, Jin H*, Șerban M, Luo D, Li X, 2023. Spatial variations in ground surface temperature at various scales on northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Southwest China.Catena,222: 106811. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106811.

48) Gao S, Jin H*, Wu Q*, Bense VF, Wang Q, Yang Y, Wang X, Chen X, 2023. Analysis of groundwater flow through low-latitude alpine permafrost by model simulation: a case study in the headwater area of Yellow River on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China.Hydrogeol J,31: 789-811. DOI: 10.1007/s10040-023-02597-7.

49) Li XYg,Jin H*, Sun L*, He R#, Wang H, Li Y, Huang Y, Yang X, Jin X, Chang X, Li X, Wang L, Wei C, Zhang Z, 2023. Changes in soil carbon and nitrogen storage and vegetation succession after fire in the Nanweng'he National Natural Wetlands Reserve in the Yile’huli mountain-knots in the patchy latitudinal permafrost zone of Northeast China.Catena,221: 106797. DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2022.106797

50) Șerban R-D,Jin H*, 2022. Multiscale observation of topsoil temperature below different landcover types on northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (2019-2020).National Tibetan Plateau/Third Pole Environment Data Center, https://doi.org/10.11888/Cryos.tpdc.272945.

51) Li Xyg, Jin H*, 2022. Observational data sets of ground hydrothermal regimes and soil nutrients at burned areas in the Da Xing'anling Mountains (2017-2019).National Tibetan Plateau/Third Pole Environment Data Center. DOI: 10.11888/Cryos.tpdc.300042

52) He R,Jin H*, Harris SA, Luo D, Chen X, Jin X, Wang Q, Lü L, Wang S, 2022. Permafrost and paleoenvironment on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Last Permafrost Maximum (LPM).Int Geol Rev, 65(15): 2332-2347. DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2022.2137860.

53) Li G, Ma W, Wang F*,Jin H*, Fedorov MN, Chen D, Wu G, Cao Y, Zhou Y, Mao Y, Zhang J, Gao K, Jin X, He R, Li X, Li Y, 2022. A newly integrated ground temperature dataset of permafrost along the China-Russia crude oil pipeline route in Northeast China.Earth Syst Sci Data, 14(11): 5093-5110. DOI: 10.5194/essd-14-5093-2022

54) Chang X,Jin H*, He R, Zhang Y, Li X,Jin X, 2022. Permafrost changes in the northwestern Da Xing’anling Mountains, Northeast China in the past decade.Earth Syst Sci Data, 14: 3947-3959. DOI: 10.5194/essd-2022-85.

55) Jin X, Jin H*, 2022. Shrubification along pipeline corridor in permafrost regions: A review.Forests,13(7): 1093. DOI: 10.3390/0/f13071093.

56) Zhou Y, Li G*,Jin H*, Marchenko SS, Ma W, Du Q, Li J, Chen D, 2022.Transformation from glacier to rock glacier:In situ observational evidence from the eastern Tianshan Mountains, China.Adv Clim Change Res, 13(4): 540-553. DOI: 10.1016/j.accre.2022.05.005.

57) Ma Q,Jin H*, Wu Q*, Yang Y, Wang Q, Luo D, Huang Y, Li Y, Li Xyg, Șerban DR, Liang S, Gao S, Marchenko SS, 2022. Distributive features of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in aquatic systems in the Source Area of Yellow River, northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, SW China.Front Earth Sci,10: 892524. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.892524.

58) Wang H,Jin H*, Li, X, He R, Șerban RD, Jin X, et al., 2022. Land use and cover change in Northeast China and its impacts on the Xing'an permafrost in 1980-2020. Land Degrad Dev,33(2): LDR4377. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.4377

59) Li XYg*,Jin H*, Sun L, Wang Hψ, Huang Yψ, He R, Chang X, Yu S, Zang S, 2022. TTOP-model-based maps of permafrost distribution in Northeast China for 1961–2020.Permafr Periglac Process,33(4): 425-435. DOI: 10.1002/PPP.2157

60) Jin X, Jin H*, Luo D, Sheng Y, Wu Q, Wu J, Wang W, Shuang S, Li X, Liang S, Wang Q, He R, Șerban DR, Ma Q, Gao S, Li Y, 2022. Impacts of permafrost degradation on hydrology and vegetation in the Source Area of the Yellow River on northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Southwest China.Front Earth Sci,10. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.845824.

61) Wang Q,Jin H*, Wu Q, Zhang T, Yuan Z, Li X, Ming J, Huang Y, Yang C, Șerban DR, 2022. Vertical distribution of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in a permafrost-affected wetlands on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its implications in the mid-to Late Holocene.Permafr Periglac Process,33(3): 286-297. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.2146

62) He R, Li Y*,Jin H*, Jin X, Zhu M, Li X, Zhang Z, Huang Y, Jin D, Ma F, 2022. Thermal recovery of backfilled pit in the Gulianhe Strip Coalmine in the Hola Basin in northern Da Xing’anling Mountains, NE China.Front Earth Sci,10: 806022. DOI:10.3389/feart.2022.806022.

63) He R, Jin H*, Luo D, Ma F, Li X, Wang H, Huang Y, Șerban DS, Șerban M, Zhou C, Liang Z, Sun Y, 2022. Changes in the permafrost environment under dual impacts of climate change and human activities in the Hola Basin, northern Da Xing’anling Mountains, Northeast China.Land Degrad Dev,33(8): 1219-1234. DOI:10.1002/ldr.4212

64) He R,Jin H*, Jia N, Wang H, Jin X, Li X, 2022. Thermal semiconductor effect of organic soils and its engineering and environmental implications.Cold Reg Sci Technol,196:103485. DOI:10.1016/j.coldregions.2022.103485

65) 李艳,金会军*,温智,李新宇,张思凡,李圣旭,2022.多年冻土区斜坡稳定性研究综述.冰川冻土,44(1): 203-216.

66) Li XYg,Jin H*, Wang H, Jin X, Bense VF, Marchenko SS, He R, Huang Y, Luo D, 2022. Effects of fire history on thermal regimes of permafrost in the northern Da Xing’anling Mountains, NE China. Geoderma,410(1-2): 115670. DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115670

67) Li XYg,Jin H*, Wang H, Chang X, He R, Huang Y, 2021. Climate warming and its possible impacts on the permafrost zoning in Northeast China.J For Res, 33, 767- 788. DOI: 10.1007/s11676-021-01403-y.

68) Li Y,Jin H*, Wen Z, Li XZ, Zhang Q, 2021. Stability of the foundation of buried energy pipeline in permafrost region.Geofluids,2021: 3066553. DOI: 10.1155/2021/3066553

69) He R, Jia N,Jin H*, Wang H, Li X, 2021. Experimental study on thermal conductivity of organic-rich soils under thawed and frozen states.Geofluids, 2021: 7566669. DOI:10.1155/2021/7566669

70) Wang Q,Jin H*, Yuan Z, Yang C, 2021. Synergetic variations of active layer soil water and salt in a permafrost-affected meadow in the Headwater Area of the Yellow River, northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Int Soil Water Conserv Res,10(2): 284-292.DOI: 10.1016/j.iswcr.2021.08.004.

71) Șerban R-D, Jin H*, Șerban M, Luo D, 2021. Shrinking thermokarst lakes and ponds in the Headwater Area of Yellow River on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Southwest China over the last three decades.Permafr Periglac Process,32(4): 601-617. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.2127

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270) Yang S, Wen X,Jin H, Wu Q, 2012.Pyrosequencing investigation into the bacterial community in permafrost soils along the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline (CRCOP).PLoS One,7(12): e52730. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052730.

271) 罗栋梁,金会军,林琳,何瑞霞,杨思忠,常晓丽, 2012.黄河源区多年冻土温度及厚度研究新进展.地理科学,32(7): 898-904.

272) 罗栋梁,金会军,林琳,何瑞霞,杨思忠,常晓丽, 2012.青海高原中、东部多年冻土及寒区环境退化.冰川冻土,34(3): 538-546.

273) 蓝永超,鲁承阳,喇承芳,沈永平,金会军,宋洁,文军,刘金鹏,2013.黄河源区气候向暖湿转变的观测事实及其水文响应.冰川冻土,35(4): 920-928

274) Ran Y, Li X, Cheng G, Zhang T, Wu Q,Jin H, Jin R, 2012. Distribution of permafrost in China: An overview of existing permafrost maps.Permafr Periglac Process,23(4): 322-333. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1756.

275) Harris SA,Jin H, 2012. Tessellons and sand wedges on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and their palaeo-environmental implications.Proc, 10th Int Conf on Permafr, Salehard, Russia, 26-29 June 2012, Vol. 1, 149–154.

276) 常晓丽,金会军,于少鹏,孙海滨,何瑞霞,罗栋梁,孙广友,吕兰芝, 2011.大兴安岭林区不同植被对冻土地温的影响.生态学报,31(18): 5138-5147.

277) 何瑞霞,金会军,王绍令,郝加前,常晓丽,罗栋梁, 2011.中俄原油管道沿线多年冻土环境评价方法探讨.冰川冻土,33(5): 1098-1105.

278) 孙广友,金会军,常晓丽,于少鹏,何瑞霞,杨思忠,吕兰芝,姚允龙,闫修民,范宇, 2011.大兴安岭北部宽谷地貌对沼泽湿地形成的控制.冰川冻土,33(5): 991-998.

279) 常晓丽,金会军,何瑞霞,2011.西昆仑山甜水海北湖砂楔的形成与环境演变.第四纪研究,31(1): 112-119.

280) Luo D, Jin H, Jin R, Lin L, He R, Chang X, 2011. The extraction of watershed characteristics of the Source Area of Yellow River based on SRTM DEM with ArcGIS.Int Conf onRemote Sens, Environ Transp Eng (RSETE), Nanjing, China, 24-26 June 2011, pp. 1799 - 1802. DOI:10.1109/RSETE.2011.5964645.(EI)

281) Xu G, Qi J,Jin H, 2010. Model test study on the influences of freezing and thawing on the crude oil pipeline in cold regions.Cold Reg Sci Technol, 64(3): 262-270. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.04.010.

282) Zhang J, Qu G,Jin H, 2010. Estimates on thermal effects of the China–Russia crude oil pipeline in permafrost regions.Cold Reg Sci Technol, 64(3): 262-270. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.04.010.

283) Wu Y, Sheng Y, Wang Y,Jin H, Chen W, 2010. Stresses and deformations in a buried oil pipelines subject to differential frost heave in permafrost regions.Cold Regions Sci Technol, 64:256-261. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.07.004.

284) 吕兰芝,金会军,常晓丽,等, 2010.中俄原油管道工程(漠河-大庆段)沿线气温、地表和浅层地温年际变化特征.冰川冻土,32(4): 794-801.

285) 何瑞霞,金会军,吕兰芝,等, 2010.格尔木-拉萨成品油管道沿线冻土工程和环境问题及其防治对策.冰川冻土,32(1): 18-27.

286) 杨思忠,金会军,于少鹏,等, 2010.中俄输油管道(漠河-大庆段)主要冻土环境问题探析.冰川冻土,32(2): 358-366.

287) 魏智,金会军,韩旭军.国内外冻土区路基地温控制措施.路基工程. 2010 (S2) :128-134.

288) 常晓丽,金会军,孙海滨,等, 2010.积雪底部温度(BTS)方法在冻土分布调查和模型研究中的应用:研究进展.冰川冻土,32(4): 803-809.

289) Niu F, Li G, Zhao S, Zhang S, Zhao Y,Jin H, 2010.Current developments of research on permafrost engineering and cold region environment: a report of the 8th International Symposium on Permafrost Engineering. Sci Cold Arid Reg,2(2): 93-103.

290) Gu W, Yu Q, Qian J, Jin H, Zhang J, 2010.Qinghai-Tibet expressway experimental research.Sci Cold Arid Regions,2(5): 396-404

291) 罗栋梁,金会军,杨思忠,等, 2010.青藏高原东北部冬给措纳湖湖区冰缘环境探讨.冰川冻土,32(5): 935-940.

292) Li G, Sheng Y,Jin H, Ma W, Qi J, Wen Z, Zhang B, Mu Y, Bi G, 2010. Development of Freezing-thawing processes of foundation soils surrounding the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline under climate change. Cold Reg Sci Technol, 64:226-234. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2009.08.006.

293) Zhang J, Qu G,Jin H, 2010.Estimates on thermal effects of the Chinese-Russian crude oil pipeline in permafrost Regions. Cold Reg Sci Technol, 64:243-247. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2009.10.001.

294) 赵林,丁永建,刘广岳,王绍令,金会军,2010.青藏高原多年冻土层中地下冰储量估算及评价.冰川冻土,32(1): 1-9.

295) 吉延峻,金会军,王国尚,张建明, 2010.中俄原油管道(漠河—大庆段)地基土融沉稳定性评价研究.工程地质学报,18(2): 241-251.

296) He R,Hao Y, Jin H, Tong C, 2010. Engineering problems of airport construction in the permafrost regions in China - take Mo-he airport as an example.Int Conf Mech Automat Control Eng (MACE), Wuhan, China, on 26-28 June 2010, pp. 4911-4917. DOI:10.1109/MACE.2010.5536174. (EI)

297) Dietze E,Wünnemann B,Diekmann B,Aichner B,Hartmann K,Herzschuh U,Jmkerd J, Jin H,Kopsch C,Lehmkuhld F,Li S,Mischke S,Niessen F,Opitz S,Stauchd G andYang S, 2010. Basin morphology and seismic stratigraphy of Lake Donggi Cona, north-eastern Tibetan Plateau, China.Quat Int,218(1-2): 131-142.DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2009.11.035.

298) Mischke S, Bößneck U, Diekmann B, Herzschuh U,Jin H, Kramer A, Wünnemann B, Zhang C, 2010. Quantitative relationship between water-depth and sub-fossil ostracod assemblages in Lake Donggi Cona, Qinghai Province, China.J Paleolimnol,43: 589-608. DOI: 10.1007/s10933-009-9355-2.

299) Sheng Y, Li J,Jin H, Wu J, Ye B, Wang J, 2010.Primary analysis on distribution characteristics of permafrost in the upper area of the Shule River Watershed, on the northeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.2010 IEEE Int Geosci Remote Sens Symp, 4518-4521

300) 杨思忠,金会军,文茜,等, 2009.伊图里河冰楔温度变化与微生物数量的相关性初探.应用生态学报,20(11): 2785-2789.

301) 何瑞霞,金会军,吕兰芝,等, 2009.东北北部冻土与寒区生态环境变化.冰川冻土, 31(3): 525-531.

302) 何瑞霞,金会军,常晓丽,罗栋梁, 2009.格拉管道环境变化与管道工程问题的防治措施.油气储运,28(9): 75-79.

303) 何瑞霞,金会军,常晓丽,等, 2009.东北北部多年冻土的退化现状及原因分析.冰川冻土, 31(5): 829-834.

304) Opitz S, Aichner B, Dietze E, Hartmann K, Herzschuh U, IJmker J,Jin H, Lehmkuhl F, Li S, Mischke S, Plotzki A, Stauch G, Wünnemann B, Yang S, Diekmann B, 2009.Late Quaternary Lake Dynamics on the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau.ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0999-1261

305) Li X, Cheng G, Jin H,et al., 2008. Cryospheric change in China.Glob Planet Change,62(3-4): 210-218. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.02.001.

306) 杨思忠,金会军, 2008.冻融作用对冻土区微生物生理和生态的影响.生态学报(Act Ecol Sin),28(10): 5065-5074.

307) 杨思忠,金会军,吉延峻,等, 2008.寒区线性工程沿线冻土区的植被恢复.冰川冻土, 30(5): 875-882.

308) 俞祁浩,白旸,金会军,等, 2008.应用探地雷达研究中国小兴安岭地区黑河-北安公路沿线岛状多年冻土的分布及其变化.冰川冻土,30(3): 461-468.

309) Wu Q, Dong X, Liu Y, Jin H, 2007. Responses of permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, to climate change and engineering construction.Arct, Antarct, Alp Res,39(4): 682-687.

310) 杨思忠,金会军,魏智, 2007.微生物对冻土生境的适应以及对全球变化和寒区工程扰动的响应:进展与展望.冰川冻土,29(2): 279-285.

311) 俞祁浩, Roth K,金会军,潘喜才, Martin SP,盛煜,魏智,吴吉春, 2006.中德合作三江源区和甜水海地区多年冻土退化过程科学考察和研究进展.冰川冻土,28(6): 844-849.

312) 杨思忠,金会军, Diekmann B, Wünnemann B, Mischke S,吉延峻,陈建辉,杨奇丽, 2006.冬给措纳湖地区寒区环境变迁研究进展.冰川冻土,28(6): 850-853.

313) Zhang X,Jin H, Sun W, 2006. Stable isotopic variations in precipitation in Southwest China.Adv Atmos Sci,23(4): 649-658. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-006-0649-2

314) Yu W, Lai Y, Sun Z,Jin H, Zhang X, 2006. Experimental studies on the ripped-rock revetment embankment in permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Railroad.Cold Reg Sci Technol,45(1): 1-7.

315) Kang E, Cheng G, Lan Y, Jin H, 1999.A model for simulating the response of runoff from the mountainous watersheds of inland river basins in the arid area of northwest China to climatic changes.Sci China,42(DS1), 52-63.

316) 康尔泗,程国栋,蓝永超,金会军, 1999.中国西北干旱地区内陆河流出山口径流变化模拟研究.中国科学,29(DS1), 47-54.

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320) 金会军(冻土学与冰缘环境编写专家),2015.冰冻圈科学概论(秦大河、姚檀栋总主编).

321) 金会军(冻土学和冰缘地貌环境编写专家), 2014.冰冻圈科学词典(Glossary of Cryosphere Science)(秦大河、姚檀栋、丁永建和任贾文主编), 1-215.

322) 金会军,朱诚,欧阳杰,黄少敏,黄进,王绍令, 2013.第六章(冻土和冰缘地貌)。孙鸿烈、郑度总主编,《中国自然地理系列专著》的(尤连元、杨景春主编)《中国地貌》,科学出版社,北京:275-317.

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324) 邱国庆,赵林,王绍令,张希林,盛文坤,岳汉森,金会军, 1996.中国甘肃河西走廊盐渍土的季节冻结作用及其改良利用.兰州:兰州大学出版社, 1-115.

325) Qiu GQ, SJ Li, HJ Jin, L Zhao, 1993.Handbook for the A-2 Trip After the 6th Int Conf on Permafr.Lanzhou: Lanzhou University Press, 1-120.


326) 李欣泽,吴青柏,金会军,李艳等.“非连续多年冻土区埋地冷输天然气管道管基土冻胀防治装置及方法”,发明专利,CN202111394936.3

327) 罗栋梁,李新宇,金会军,何瑞霞.伸缩式钢钎钎探及多年冻土活动层厚度测量系统.专利号:ZL201920194892.1.申请日:2019.02.12;授权公告日:2019.08.02

328) 李国玉,马巍,金会军,穆彦虎,王飞,范善举,吴亚虎,一种高温输油管道的放热结构,2015.12.15,中国,ZL 2015 2 0625 756.5