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何杨辉,教授,博导;主要研究方向:(1)土壤碳循环及其对全球变化的响应与适应,(2)生物质炭与土壤碳汇。主持国家自然科学基金面上与青年项目等6项,入选上海市青年科技英才“扬帆计划”与首批“超级博士后”资助计划。研究成果发表在Global Change BiologySoil Biology and Biochemistry等国际顶级期刊,ESI高被引论文2篇,1篇入选GCB Bioenergy 2019年十大高被引论文。担任Forests、Pedobiologia客座编委以及Global Change Biology、Journal of Ecology、ISME Communications、Journal of Applied Ecology、Functional Ecology等期刊审稿人。



2016/11-2017/11,University of California Santa Cruz,环境科学系,联合培养博士








1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32271713),雪被覆盖与降雨改变对兴安落叶松林土壤有机碳激发效应的影响及机制,2023.01-2026.12,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31901200),亚热带常绿阔叶林演替过程中根际激发效应及其调控机制,2020.01-2022.12,主持

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2572022BA04),干旱对东北森林表层和深层土壤有机碳激发效应的影响及机制,2022.06-2025.06,主持

4. 上海市科学技术委员会青年科技英才扬帆项目(19YF1413300),生物质炭基肥对农业土壤温室气体排放的影响及其调控机制,2019.05-2022.04,主持

5. 中国博士后基金会面上项目(2019M661428),极端干旱对亚热带常绿阔叶林根际激发效应的影响及调控,2019.12-2021.09,主持


1. Du ZG, Zhou LY, Thakur MP, Zhou GY, Fu YL, Li N, Liu RQ,He YH, Chen HY, Li J, Zhou HM, Li M, Lu M, & Zhou XH*. (2024). Mycorrhizal associations relate to stable convergence in plant–microbial competition for nitrogen absorption under high nitrogen conditions.Global Change Biology,https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17338.

2. Jia SX1, Yuan TF1, Fu YL*, Penuelas J, Zhou GY, Zhou LY, Liu DQ,He YH, Liu RQ, Wang XH, Song BQ, Jiang Z, & Zhou XH*. (2024). Fungi and bacteria trade-off mediates drought-induced reduction in wood decomposition.CATENA, 243:108169.

3. Liu RQ, Zhou XH*,He YH, Du ZG, Chen HY, Fu YL, Guo LQ, Zhou GY, Zhou LY, Li J, Chai H, Huang CJ, & Delgado-Baquerizo M. (2024). A transition from arbuscular to ectomycorrhizal forests halts soil carbon sequestration during subtropical forest rewilding.Science of The Total Environment, 946:174330.

4. He YH, Zhou XH*, Jia Z, Zhou LY, Chen HY, Liu RQ, Du ZG, Zhou GY, Shao JJ, Ding JX, Chen KL, Hartley I (2023) Apparentthermal acclimation of soil heterotrophic respiration mainly mediated by substrate availability,Global Change Biology, 29:1178–1187.

5. Jiang Z, Fu YL*, Zhou LY*,He YH, Zhou GY, Dietrich P, Long JL, Wang XX, Jia SX, Ji YH, Jia Z, Song BQ, Liu RQ, & Zhou XH (2023). Plant growth strategy determines the magnitude and direction of drought‐induced changes in root exudates in subtropical forests.Global Change Biology, gcb.16685.

6. Fu J, Zhou XH,He YH*, Liu RQ, Yao YX, Zhou GY, Chen HY, Zhou LY, Fu, YL & Bai SH. (2023). Co-application of biochar and organic amendments on soil greenhouse gas emissions: A meta-analysis.Science of The Total Environment, 897:166171.

7. Ji YH,He YH*, Shao JJ, Liu HY, Fu YL, Chen XY, Chen Y, Liu RQ, Gao J, Li N, Zhou GY, Zhou LY, Zhou XH* (2022). Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux Is Driven by Plant Traits More Than Climate across Global Forest Types.Forests, 13:1119.

8. Zhou LY, Zhou XH*,He YH, Fu YL, Du ZG, Lu M, Sun XY, Li CH, Lu CY, Liu RQ, Zhou GY, Bai SH, Thakur MP (2022) Global systematic review with meta-analysis shows that warming effects on terrestrial plant biomass allocation are influenced by precipitation and mycorrhizal association,Nature Communications, 13:4914.

9. Shao JJ, Zhou XH*, Zhang P, Zhai DP, Yuan TF, Li Z,He YH, McDowell NG (2022) Embolism resistance explains mortality and recovery of five subtropical evergreen broadleaf trees to persistent drought.Ecology, doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3877.

10. Jiang Z, Thakur MP, Liu RQ*, Zhou GY, Zhou LY, Fu YL, Zhang P,He YH, Shao JJ, Gao J, Li N, Wang XX, Jia S, Chen Y, Zhang CX, Zhou XH* (2022) Soil P availability and mycorrhizal type determine root exudation in subtropical forests.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 171:108772.

11. Zhou GY, Zhou XH*, Eldridge DJ, Han XM, Song YJ, Liu RQ, Zhou LY,He YH, Du ZG, Delgado- Baquerizo M* (2022) Temperature and rainfall patterns constrains the multidimensional rewilding of global forests.Advanced Science, 2201144.

12. Zhang GD, Zhou GY*, Zhou XH*, Zhou LY, Shao JJ, Liu RQ, Gao J,He YH, Liu HY, Du ZG, Tang JW, Delgado-Baquerizo M (2022). Mycorrhizal forest type controls soil carbon stocks, fine root biomass and respiration in tropical forest plantations. Journal of Plant Ecology, doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtac056.

13. He YH, Yao YX, Jia Z, Chen XY, Zhou LY, Shao JJ, Liu RQ, Zhou GY, Fu YL, Sun XY, Zhou XH*, Bai SH. (2021). Antagonistic interaction between biochar and nitrogen addition on soil greenhouse gas fluxes: A global synthesis.GCB Bioenergy, 13: 1636–1648.

14. Liu RQ,He YH, Zhou GY, Shao JJ, Zhou LY, Zhou HM, Li N, Song BQ, Liang C, Yan ER, Chen Y, Wang XX, Bai SH, Zhou XH* (2021). Mycorrhizal effects on decomposition and soil CO2 flux depend on changes in nitrogen availability during forest successions.Journal of Ecology, 109:3929-3943.

15. Gao J, Zhou MY, Shao JJ*, Zhou GY, Liu RQ, Zhou LY, Liu HY,He YH, Chen Y, Zhou XH (2021) Fine root trait-function relationships affected by mycorrhizal type and climate.Gerdoma, 394:115011.

16. Zhou LY, Yan W, Sun XY, Shao JJ, Zhang PP, Zhou GY,He YH, Liu HY, Fu YL*, Zhou XH (2021) Regulation of climate, soil and hydrological factors on macrophyte biomass allocation for coastal and inland wetlands in China.Science of Total Environment, 774: 145317.

17. He YH, Yao YX, Ji Y, Deng J, Zhou G, Liu R, Shao J, Zhou L, Li N, Zhou X*, Bai SH (2020) Biochar amendment boosts photosynthesis and biomass in C3 but not C4 plants: a global synthesis.Global Change Biology-Bioenergy, 12: 605–617.

18. He YH, Cheng WX, Zhou LY, Shao JJ, Liu HY, Zhou HM, Zhu K, Zhou XH* (2020) Soil DOC release and aggregate disruption mediate rhizosphere priming effect on soil C decomposition.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 144: 107787.

19. Zhou LY,He YH, Shao JJ, Li CH, Lu CY, Wang C, Liu RQ, Liu HY, Zhou GY, Zhou XH* (2020) Responses of biomass allocation to multi-factor global change: a global synthesis.Agricultural Ecosystems and Environments, 304: 107115.

20. He YH, Zhou XH*, Cheng WS, Zhou LY, Zhang GD, Zhou GY, Liu RQ, Shao JJ, Zhu K, Cheng WX (2019). Linking improvement of soil structure to soil carbon storage following invasion by a C4 plantSpartina alterniflora.Ecosystems, 22: 859-872.

21. Zhou GY, Luo Q, Chen YJ, Zhou LY, Frank D,He YH, Zhou XH* (2019) Effects of livestock grazing on grassland carbon storage and release override impacts associated with global climate change.Global Change Biology, 25: 1119-1132.

22. He YH, Zhou XH*, Jiang LL, Li M, Du ZG, Zhou GY, Shao JJ, Wang XH, Xu ZH, Hosseini-Bai S, Wallance H, Xu CY (2017) Effects of biochar application on soil greenhouse gas emissions: a meta-analysis.Global Change Biology-Bioenergy, 9: 743-755.

23. Zhou GY, Zhou XH*, Zhang T, Du ZG,He YH, Wang XH, Shao JJ, Cao Y, Xue SG, Wang H, Xu CY (2017) Biochar increased soil respiration in temperate forests but had no effects in subtropical forests.Forest Ecology and Management, 405:339-349.

24. Zhai DP, Jin WY, Shao JJ,He YH, Zhang GD, Li M, Wang H*, Zhou XH* (2017) Different response patterns of soil respiration to a nitrogen addition gradient in four types of land use on an alluvial island in China.Ecosystems, 20: 904-916.

25. Zhou GY, Zhou XH*,He YH, Hu ZH, Shao JJ, Liu RQ, Zhou HM (2017) Grazing intensity significantly affects belowground carbon and nitrogen cycling in grassland ecosystems: a meta-analysis.Global Change Biology, 23:1167-1179.

26. Zhou LY, Zhou XH*, Shao JJ, Nie YY,He YH, Jiang LL, Wu ZT, Hosseini SH (2016) Interactive effects of global change factors on soil respiration and its components: a meta-analysis.Global Change Biology, 22: 3157–3169.

27. Du ZG, Nie YY,He YH, Yu GR, Wang HM, Zhou XH* (2015) Complementarity of flux- and biometric-based data to constrain parameters in a terrestrial carbon model.Tellus B, 67, 24102.

28. 黄长江, 何杨辉*, 周灵燕, 刘瑞强, 王国锋, 周旭辉(2022)极端气候影响华中和东南地区森林生态系统结构与功能的研究进展. 陆地生态系统与保护学, 2:71-83.

29. 金皖豫, 李铭, 何杨辉, 杜正刚, 邵钧炯, 张国栋, 周灵燕, 周旭辉* (2015) 不同施氮水平对冬小麦生长期土壤呼吸的影响.植物生态学,29:249-257.

30. 高杰, 邵钧炯, 何杨辉,王希华,周旭辉* (2015)天童山常绿阔叶林土壤呼吸的空间异质性研究:取样数量的估算和取样方法的优化. 复旦大学学报(自然科学版), 54:58-66.


1. 周旭辉, 蒋铮,何杨辉, 周贵尧,周灵燕. 实用新型专利, 一种集成式根系分泌与呼吸过程自动监测器. 专利号:ZL201921953434.8


邮箱:yanghui15@hotmail.com / yhhe@nefu.edu.cn