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陈鸿洋,理学博士,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:(1)土壤碳过程与温度变化,(2)湿地甲烷排放与气候变化;主持国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目、国家自然科学基金等项目3项,在Nature Climate ChangeNature CommunicationsEcology Letters等期刊发表论文20余篇,其中1篇获F1000 Prime推荐。担任中国湿地环境生态保育与功能委员会委员,以及Journal of Plant EcologyEcosystem Health and Sustainability、《应用生态学报》等期刊编委。主讲本科生《生态学》、《生态学专业英语》等课程。










1. 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2023-2028,300万元,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2023-2025,30万元,主持

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,2022-2024,15万元,主持


1. Hongyang Chen, Qingfang Jing, Xiang Liu, Xuhui Zhou, Changming Fang, Bo Li, Shurong Zhou, Ming Nie. Microbial respiratory thermal adaptation is regulated by r-/K-strategy dominance.Ecology Letters, 2022, 25(11): 2489-2499.

2. Hongyang Chen, Xiao Xu, Changming Fang, Bo Li, Ming Nie. Differences in the temperature dependence of wetland CO2 and CH4 emissions vary with water table depth.Nature Climate Change, 2021, 11: 766-771

3. Hongyang Chen, Ting Zhu, Bo Li, Changming Fang, Ming Nie. The thermal response of soil microbial methanogenesis decreases in magnitude with changing temperature.NatureCommunications, 2020, 11: 5733 (F1000 Prime推荐)

4. Hongyang Chen, Junyu Zou, Jun Cui, Ming Nie, Changming Fang. Wetland drying increases the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 120: 24-27

5. Hongyang Chen, Changming Fang, Ming Nie. Consideration of dissolved organic carbon flux reduces estimated wetland carbon losses in response to warming.Journal of Soils and Sediment, 2021, 21: 118-122


1. Hongyang Chen, Organized Oral Session: The role of r/k strategy in microbial respiratory thermal adaptation,第108届美国生态学年会,美国波特兰, 2023-8-6至2023-8-11 (会议邀请报告)

2. Hongyang Chen, Symposia: The thermal adaptation of soil microbial methanogenesis to ambient temperature,“未来地球对策:碳中和与气候变化应对”国际研讨会暨2022年金砖国家网络大学年会生态和气候变化分论坛,中国哈尔滨, 2022-4-20至2022-4-21 (会议报告)

3. Hongyang Chen, Symposia: Opposite temperature dependencies of wetland CH4 and CO2 emissions along global climate gradients,亚洲通量网国际会议,韩国济州岛, 2023-11-27至2023-12-1 (会议报告)


邮箱:chenhongyang0629@163.com; hychen@nefu.edu.cn


Dr. Hongyang Chen, Professor in School of Forestry/Ecological Research Center in Northeast Forestry University.The early career editorial board member of the journals including inJournal of Plant EcologyEcosystem Health and Sustainability. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D in Ecology from Fudan University in 2018, and worked in School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, as a postdoctoral scholar from 2018-2021. His research mainly focuses on wetland ecology and global change ecology.

SelectedPublications (*corresponding author):

Hongyang Chen, Qingfang Jing, Xiang Liu, Xuhui Zhou, Changming Fang, Bo Li, Shurong Zhou, Ming Nie. Microbial respiratory thermal adaptation is regulated by r-/K-strategy dominance.Ecology Letters, 2022, 25(11): 2489-2499

Hongyang Chen, Xiao Xu, Changming Fang, Bo Li, Ming Nie*. Differences in the temperature dependence of wetland CO2 and CH4 emissions vary with water table depth.Nature Climate Change, 2021, 11: 766-771

Hongyang Chen, Ting Zhu, Bo Li, Changming Fang, Ming Nie*. The thermal response of soil microbial methanogenesis decreases in magnitude with changing temperature.NatureCommunications, 2020, 11: 5733 (F1000)

Hongyang Chen, Junyu Zou, Jun Cui, Ming Nie*, Changming Fang*. Wetland drying increases the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 120: 24-27

Hongyang Chen, Changming Fang, Ming Nie*. Consideration of dissolved organic carbon flux reduces estimated wetland carbon losses in response to warming.Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2021, 21: 118-122

E-mail: chenhongyang0629@163.com, hychen@nefu.edu.cn