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2011/09-2015/07,复旦大学, 生命科学学院, 生态学,硕士

2002/09-2006/07,青岛大学, 理学院, 信息与计算科学,学士


2021/09-至今, 东北林业大学,林学院生态学科,副教授

2019/09-2021/09, 华东师范大学,生态与环境科学学院,博士后


Du ZG, Zhou L, Thakur MP, Zhou G, Fu Y, Li N, Liu R, He Y, Chen H, Li J, Zhou H, Li M, Lu M,Zhou X (2024)Mycorrhizal association relate to stable convergence in plant-microbial competition for nitrogen absorption under high nitrogen conditions.Global Change Biology, 30: e17338.

Du, ZG, Wang J, Zhou G, Bai S, Zhou L, Fu Y, Wang C, Wang H, Yu G, Zhou X. Differential effects of nitrogen vs. phosphorus limitation on terrestrial carbon storage in two subtropical forests: A Bayesian approach,Science of The Total Environment, 2021, Volume: 795, pp 148485.

Du, ZG, Weng, E., Jiang, L., Luo, Y., Xia, J., & Zhou, X. Carbon–nitrogen coupling under three schemes of model representation: a traceability analysis.Geoscientific Model Development, 2018, 11(11), 4399-4416.

Du, ZG, Zhou, X., Shao, J., Yu, G., Wang, H., Zhai, D., ... & Luo, Y. Quantifying uncertainties from additional nitrogen data and processes in a terrestrial ecosystem model with Bayesian probabilistic inversion. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2017, 9(1), 548-565.

Du, ZG, Nie Y, He Y, Yu G, Wang H, Zhou X. Complementarity of flux-and biometric-based data to constrain parameters in a terrestrial carbon model.Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology,2015,67: 24102.

Li N, Shao J, Zhou G, Zhou L,Du ZG*,Zhou X* (2022) Improving estimations of ecosystem respiration with asymmetric daytime and nighttime temperature sensitivity and relative humidity.Agricultural Forest & Meteorology, 312: 108709.

Liu R,Zhou X,He Y, Du ZG, Chen H, Zhou G, Zhou L, Li J, Chai H, Huang C, Delgado-Baquerizo (2024) A transition from arbuscular to ectomycorrhizal forests halts soil carbon sequestration during subtropical forest rewilding.Science of the Total Environment, 946: 174330.

Li J, Liu Y, Liu R,Du ZG, Chai H, He Y, Chen H, Chen Y, Wu H, Cui X, Zhou X (2024)Mycorrhizal mediation of soil carbon in permafrost regions depends on soil nutrient stoichiometry and physical protection.Science of the Total Environment,920: 170907.

Han X, Zhai K, Liu S, Chen H, He Y,Du ZG, Liu R, Liu Q, Zhou L, Zhou X, Zhou G* (2023)Forest restoration decouple soil C:N:P stoichiometry but has littleeffects on microbial biodiversity globally.Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 2: 468-478.

He Y,Zhou X, Jia Z, Zhou L, Chen H, Liu R,Du ZG, Chen K, Hartley IP (2023)Apparentthermal acclimation of soil heterotrophic respiration mediated by substrate availability.Global Change Biology,29(4):1178-1187.

Zhang G, Zhou G,Zhou X, Zhou L, Shao J, Liu R, Gao J, He Y, Liu H,Du ZG, Tang J, Delgado-Baquerizo M (2023).Effects of tree mycorrhizal type on soil respiration and carbon stock via fine root biomass and litter dynamic in tropical plantations.Journal of Plant Ecology, 16, rtac056.

Liu R, He Y, Zhou G, Shao J, Zhou L,Du ZG, Zhou H, Chen Y, Liang C, Yan E, Chen X, Wang X, Feng X, Wang M, Zhou X (2022)Root productionand microbe-derived carbon inputsjointly driverapidsoil carbon accrual in early-successional subtropical forests.Forests,13, 2130.

Zhou L,Zhou X, He Y, Fu Y,Du ZG, Shao J, Lu M, Sun X, Li C, Lu C, Liu H, Zhou G, Bai SH, Thakur MP (2022). Global systematic review with meta-analysis shows that warming effects on terrestrial plant biomass allocation are influenced by precipitation and mycorrhizal association.Nature Communications, 13: 4914.

Wang X, Zhou L, Zhou G, Zhou H, Lu C, Gu Z, Liu R, He Y,Du ZG, Liang X, He H,Zhou X (2022) Trade-offs of fungal and bacterial residues mediate soil carbon dynamics under persistent drought in subtropical evergreen forests.Applied Soil Ecology, 178: 104588.

Zhou G,Zhou X, Eldridge DJ, Han X, Song Y, Liu R, Zhou L, He Y,Du ZG, Delgado-Baquerizo M* (2022) Temperature and rainfall patterns constrain the multidimensional rewilding of global forests.Advanced Science, 9, 2201144.

Jung, C.G.,Du, ZG, Hararuk, O. et al. Long-term measurements in a mixed-grass prairie reveal a change in soil organic carbon recalcitrance and its environmentalsensitivity under warming.Oecologia, 2021.

Su, X., Su, X., Zhou, G.,Du, ZG, Yang, S., Ni, M., … Deng, J. Drought accelerated recalcitrant carbon loss by changing soil aggregation and microbial communities in a subtropical forest.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2020, 148, 107898.

Zhou, G., Zhou, X., Liu, R.,Du, ZG, Zhou, L., Li, S.,…Nie, Y. Soil fungi and fine root biomass mediate drought‐induced reductions in soil respiration.Functional Ecology, 2020, 34(12), 2634–2643.

Lu, X.,Du, ZG, Huang, Y., Lawrence, D., Kluzek, E., Collier, N., … Luo, Y. Full Implementation of Matrix Approach to Biogeochemistry Module of CLM5.Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2020, 12(11).

Qiao, Y., Wang, J., Liang, G.,Du, ZG, Zhou, J., Zhu, C., and Xia, J. Global variation of soil microbial carbon-use efficiency in relation to growth temperature and substrate supply.Scientific Reports, 2019. 9(1), 5621.

Wei, N., Cui, E., Huang, K.,Du, ZG, Zhou, J., Xu, X., and Xia, J. Decadal stabilization of soil inorganic nitrogen as a benchmark for global land models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 2018, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019MS001633.

Huang, Y., Lu, X., Shi, Z., Lawrence, D., Koven, C. D., Xia, J.,Du, ZG, ... & Luo, Y. Matrix approach to land carbon cycle modeling: A case study with the Community Land Model.Global Change Biology, 2018, 24(3), 1394-1404.

Zhou, G., Zhou, X., Zhang, T.,Du, ZG, He, Y., Wang, X., Xu, C. Biochar increased soil respiration in temperate forests but had no effects in subtropical forests.Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 405, 339-349.

He, Y., Zhou, X., Jiang, L., Li, M.,Du, ZG, Zhou, G., ... Wallace, H. Effects of biochar application on soil greenhouse gas fluxes: a meta-analysis.GCB Bioenergy,2017,9(4), 743-755.

Zhou, X., Zhou, L., Nie, Y., Fu, Y.,Du, ZG, Shao, J., ... Wang, X. Similar responses of soil carbon storage to drought and irrigation in terrestrial ecosystems but with contrasting mechanisms: A meta-analysis.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2016, 228, 70-81.

