何念鹏,男,理学博士,教授,硕士/博士生导师,2023年入选国家级高层次人才,2024年入选国家自然资源部科技领军人才,2022年入学中国科学院稳定支持基础研究领域青年团队计划;兼任中国生态学会长期生态专业委员会委员、中国植物学会植物生态学专业委员会委员、《Journal of Plant Ecology》、《Journal of Forestry Research》、《植物生态学报》、《生物多样性》等编委。科技部重大基础调查专项项目首席科学家、中国科协“生态系统碳汇提升决策咨询专家团队”首席科学家、黑龙江省林业碳汇专家组组长。
主要研究领域为植物功能生态学、生物地理生态学、生态系统生态学;发表科研论文180余篇,部分论文发表在国内外著名学术期刊,如Nature, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Trends in Plant Science, Nature Geoscience, Nature Plants, Natural Communications, Science Bulletin, One Earth, Global Change Biology, Ecology Letters, Ecology, New Phytologist, Global Ecology & Biogeography, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Functional Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Geoderma, Journal of Geophysical Research等。入选2021-2024年全球顶尖10万科学家和中国生态与演化领域顶尖科学家榜单。
2010/03-2010/06,美国Kansas State University,访问学者
1. 2025-2029, 寒温带森林生态系统多功能时空变异规律及其生物调控机制:基于通量观测塔群系统(自然科学基金委重点项目,32430067,主持人)
2. 2022-2027,陆地生态系统立体观测技术示范及典型生态过程对环境变化的响应(科技部基础研发项目子课题,2022YFF080210102)
3. 2022-2026年, 中国植被碳储量与固碳速率时空动态(中国科学院稳定支持基础研究领域青年团队计划,YSBR-037,课题负责人)
4. 2022-2026年,中国陆地生态系统碳库现存量及其不确定性(自然科学基金委重点专项项目,42141004,主持人)
5. 2020-2022,中国生态系统通量数据整编和性状调查项目(科技部基础调查专项重大项目,2019FY101300,负责人)
6. 2019-2023,青藏高原地表功能元素耦合作用的植物性状响应(科技部第二次青藏科考专项子课题,2019QZKK060602)
7. 2018-2021年,中国东部不同气候带森林土壤有机质分解温度敏感性的垂直变异规律与机制: 联网研究(自然科学基金项目, 31770655,主持人)
8. 2015-2018年,气候变暖对青藏高寒草地土壤碳组分及其稳定性的影响(自然科学基金项目,31470506,主持人)
9. 2013-2016年,模拟氮沉降对内蒙古草地碳固持效应及其稳定性的影响(自然科学基金项目,31270519,主持人)
10. 2011-2013年,土地利用变化对内蒙古温带草地碳效应的影响及其稳定性的关键指标评价(自然科学基金项目,31070431,主持人)
11. 2009-2011年,不同土地利用方式对羊草草地土壤碳固存效应和稳定性的影响(自然科学基金项目,40803024,主持人)
近五年的10篇代表作(*为通讯作者, #为共同第一作者)
1. Cen XY, He NP*, Van Sundert K, Terrer C, Yu KL, Li MX, Xu L, He LY, Butterbach-Bahl K. 2025. Global patterns of nitrogen saturation in forests. One Earth, 8:1-13 (IF = 15.1)
2. He NP*#, Yan P#, Liu CC, Xu L, Li MX, Van Meerbeek K, Zhou GS, Zhou GY, Liu SR, Zhou XH, Li SG, Niu SL, Han XG, Buckley TN, Sack L*, Yu GR*. 2023. Predicting ecosystem productivity based on plant community traits. Trends in Plant Science, 28: 43-52. (IF = 22.0)
3. Liu CC, Sack L, Li Y, Zhang JY, Yu KL, Zhang QY, He NP*, Yu GR. 2023. Relationships of stomatal morphology to the environment across plant communities. Nature Communications, 14: 6629. (IF=16.6)
4. Cai WX, He NP*, Li MX, Xu L, Wang LZ, Zhu JX, Zeng N, Yan P, Si GX, Zhang XQ, Cen XY, Yu GR, Sun JX. 2022. Carbon sequestration of Chinese forests from 2010–2060: spatiotemporal dynamics and its regulatory strategies. Science Bulletin, 67: 836-843. (IF = 20.6)
5. Li Y, Liu CC, Sack L, Xu L, Li MX, Zhang JH, He NP*. 2022. Leaf trait network architecture shifts with species-richness and climate across forests at continental scale. Ecology Letters, 25: 1442-1457. (IF = 11.2)
6. Zhang JH, Hedin L, Li MX, Xu L, Yan P, Dai GH, He NP*. 2022. Leaf N:P ratio does not predict productivity trends across natural terrestrial ecosystems. Ecology, doi: 10.1002/ecy.3789. (IF = 6.4)
7. He NP*#, Li Y#, Liu CC, Xu L, Li MX, Zhang JH, He JS, Tang ZY, Han XG, Ye Q, Xiao CW, Yu Q, Liu SR, Sun W, Niu SL, Li SG, Sack L*, Yu GR* (2020) Plant trait networks: Improved resolution of the dimensionality of adaptation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35: 908-918. (IF = 20.5)
8. Zhang JH, He NP*, Liu CC, Xu L, Chen Z, Li Y, Wang RM, Yu GR, Sun W, Xiao CW, Chen HYH, Reich PB. 2020. Variation and evolution of C:N ratio among different organs enable plants to adapt to N-limited environments. Global Change Biology, 26, 2534-2543. (IF = 13.211)
9. He NP*, Liu CC, Piao SL, Sack L, Xu L, Luo YQ, He JS, Han XG, Zhou GS, Zhou XH, Lin Y, Yu Q, Liu SR, Sun W, Niu SL, Li SG, Zhang JH, Yu GR*. 2019. Ecosystem traits linking functional traits to macroecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 34, 200-210. (IF=20.589)
10. Yu GR#*, Jia YL#, He NP#, Zhu JX, Chen Z, Wang QF, Piao SL, Liu XJ, He HL, Guo XB, Wen Z, Li P, Ding GA, Goulding K. 2019. Stabilization of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in China over the past decade. Nature Geoscience, 12, 12, 424-429. (IF=20.531)
其它论文 (按年代排序, *通讯作者)
1. Cai WX, Xu L*, Wen D, Zhou ZY, Li MX, Wang T, He NP*. 2025. The carbon sequestration potential of vegetation over the Tibetan Plateau. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 207: 114937.
2. Zhu JX, Jia YL, Yu GR, Wang QF, He NP, Chen Z, He HL, Zhu XJ, Li P, Zhang FS, Liu XJ, Goulding K, Fowler D, Vitousek. 2025. Changing patterns of global nitrogen deposition driven by socio-economic development. Nature Communications, 16: 46.
3. Yu Q, Xu C, Wu HH, Ke YG, Zuo XA, Luo WT, Ren HY, Gu Q, Wang HQ, Ma W, Knapp AK, Collins SL, Rudgers JA, Luo YQ, Hautier Y, Wang CJ, Wang ZW, Jiang Y, Hang GD, Gao YZ, He NP, Zhu JT, Dong SK, Xin XP, Yu GR, Smith MD, Li LH, Han XF. 2025. Contrasting drought sensitivity of Eurasian and North American grasslands. Nature. Accepted.
4. Cai WX, He NP*, Xu L. 2024. Spatial distribution of vegetation carbon stock among different organs over the Tibetan Plateau: on an intensive field survey. Journal of Forestry Research. 2024, 35: 143.
5. Cen XY, He NP*, Li MX, Xu L, Yu XY, Cai WX, Li X, Butterbach-Bahl K. 2024. Suppression of Nitrogen deposition on global forest soil CH4 uptake depends on nitrogen status. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38: e2024GB008098.
6. Cen XY, Muller C, Kang XY*, Zhou XH, Zhang JB, Yu GR, He NP*. 2024. Nitrogen deposition contributed to a global increase in nitrous oxide emission from forest soils. Communications Earth & Environment, 5: 532.
7. Cheng CJ, Zhang JH*, Li MX, Liu CC, Xu L, He NP*. 2024. Vertical structural complexity of plant communities represents the combined effect of resource acquisition and environmental stress on the Tibetan Plateau. Communications Biology, 7: 395.
8. Jiao CL, Zhang JH, Yu HL, He NP. 2024. Variation of magnesium drives plant adaptation to heterogeneous environments by regulating efficiency in photosynthesis on a large scale. Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.14411.
9. Li Y, He NP*. 2024. Innovations and prospectives of multidimensional trait integration. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.19909
10. Liu CC*, Huang KX, Zhao YF, Li Y, He NP*. 2024. A continental-scale analysis reveals the latitudinal gradient of stomatal density across amphistomatous species: Evolutionary history vs. present-day environment. Annals of Botany, doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcae135
11. Pan J, Liu Y, He NP*, Li C, Li MX, Xu L, Sun JX*. 2024. The influence of forest-to-cropland conversion on temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration across tropical to temperate zones. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 191: 109322.
12. Quan Q, He NP, Zhang RY, Wang JS, Luo YQ, Ma FF, Pan JX, Wang RM, Liu CC, Zhang JH, Wang YH, Song B, Li ZL, Zhou QP, Yu GR, Niu SL. 2024. Plant heights as an indicators for alpine carbon sequestration and ecosystem response to warming. Nature Plants, doi.org/10.1038/s41477-024-01705-z.
13. Wang XC, Chen S, Yang X, Zhu R, Liu M, Wang RL*, He NP*. 2024. Adaptation mechanisms of leaf vein traits to drought in grassland plants. Science of the Total Environment, 917: 170224.
14. Wang YJ, Xiao CW*, Liu CC, He NP*. 2024. The response of grassland productivity to atmospheric nitrogen deposition in northern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 359: 108764.
15. Xu L*, He NP*, Li MX, Cai WX, Yu GR. 2024. Spatiotemperal dynamics of carbon sinks in China’s terrestrial ecosystems from 2010 to 2060. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 203: 107457.
16.Yu C, Xu L, He NP, Li MX, Kang XY. 2024. Optimization of vegetation carbon content parameters and their application in carbon storage estimation in China. Science of the Total Environment, 955: 176912.
17. Zhao WZ, Xiao CW*, Li MX, Xu L, Li X, He NP*. 2024. Spatial variation of sulfur in terrestrial ecosystems in China: Content, density, and storage. Science of the Total Environment, 906: 167848.
18. Zhang JH, Wang XM, Hou JH*, Li X, LI MX, Zhao WZ, He NP*. 2024. High-resolution community-level sodium variation on the Tibetan Plateau: Content, density, and storage. Science of the Total Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173766
11. Cheng CJ, He NP*, Li MX, Xu L, Osbert Sun JX*. 2023. Spatial assembly of grassland communities and interrelationships with productivity. Functional Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.14306.
12. Cheng CJ, Osbert Sun JX, Li MX, Xu L, Cai WX, Li X, Zhao WZ, Li C, Wang JM, He NP*. 2023. Plant species richness on the Tibetan Plateau: Patterns and determinants. Ecography, 2023: e06265.
13. Li MX, He NP*, Xu L, Peng CH, Chen H, Yu GR. 2023. Eco-CCUS: A cost-effective pathway towards carbon neutrality in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 183:113512.
14. Liu ZG#, Zhao M#, Zhang HX, Ren TT, Liu CC, He NP*. 2023. Divergent response and adaptation of specific leaf area to environmental change at different spatio-temporal scales jointly improve plant survival. Global Change Biology, 29:1144-1159.
15. Yan P, Zhang JH*, He NP*, Zhang WK, Liu CC, Fernandez-Martinez M. 2023. Functional diversity and soil nutrients regulate the interannual variability in gross primary productivity. Journal of Ecology, 111: 1094-1106.
16. Yan P, Fernández-Martínez M, Van Meerbeek K, Yu GR, Migliavacca M, He NP*. 2023. The essential role of biodiversity in the key axes of ecosystem function. Global Change Biology, 29: doi 10.1111/gcb.16666.
17. Zhang QY, Zhu JX, Mulder J, Wang QF, Liu CQ, He NP*. 2023. High environmental costs behand rapid economic development: Evidence from economic loss caused by atmospheric acid deposition. Journal of Environmental Management, 334: 117511.
18. Zhang QY; Zhu JX; Wang QF; Mulder J; Liu CQ, He NP*. 2023. Transformation from NHx to NOy deposition aggravated China’s forest soil acidification. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi.org/10.1029/2023GB007736.
19. Zhao WZ, Xiao CW*, Li MX, Xu L, Li X, Zhu XY, Cheng CJ, He NP*. 2023. Biogeographic patterns of sulfur in the vegetation of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128: e2022JG007051.
20. Zhu XY, Hou JH*, Li MX, Xu L, Li X, Li Y, Cheng CJ, Zhao WZ, He NP*. 2023. High-resolution spatial distribution of vegetation biomass and its environmental response on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Intensive grid-field survey. Ecological Indicators, 149: 110167.
21. Cen XY, Li MX*, Xu L, Zhu JX, He NP*. 2022. Atmospheric N deposition significantly enhanced soil N2O emission from eastern China forests. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36: e2021GB007289.
22. Li MX, He NP*. 2022. Carbon intensity of global existing and future hydropower reservoirs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 162: 112433.
23. Li C, Xiao CW*, Guenet B, Li MX, Xu L, He NP*. 2022. Short-term effects of labile organic C addition on soil microbial response to temperature in a temperature steppe. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 167: 108589.
24. Li CN, Liao HJ, Xu L, Wang CT, He NP*, Wang JM, Li XZ*. 2022. The adjustment of life history strategies drives the ecological adaptations of soil microbiota to aridity. Molecular Ecology, doi: 10.1111/mec.16445
25. Li X, Li MX, Xu L, Liu CC, Zhao WZ, Cheng CJ, He NP*. 2022. Allometry and distribution of nitrogen in natural plant communities of the Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 845813.
26. Li Y, Hou JH*, Xu L, Li MX, Chen Z, Zhang ZH, He NP*. 2022. Variation in functional trait diversity from tropical to cold-temperature forests and linkage to productivity. Ecological Indicators, 138: 108864.
27. Liu CC, Li Y, He NP*. 2022. Differential adaptation of lianas and trees in wet and dry forests revealed by trait correlation networks. Ecological Indicators, 135: 108564.
28. Liu CC, Sack L, Li Y, He NP*. 2022. Contrasting adaptation and optimization of stomatal traits across communities at continental-scale. Journal of Experimental Botany, doi: erac266.
29. Wang RM, Li MX, Xu L, Li SG*, He NP*. 2022. Scaling-up methods influence on the spatial variation in plant community traits: Evidence based on leaf nitrogen content. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeoscience: 127, e2021/2021/
30. Yan P, Li MX, Yu GR, Qi Y, He NP*. 2022. Plant community traits associated with nitrogen can predict spatial variability in productivity. Ecological Indicators, 140: 109001.
31. Zhang QY, Zhu JX*, Wang QF, Xu L, Li MX, Dai GH, Mulder J, Xi Y, He NP*. 2022. Soil acidification in China’s forests due to atmospheric acid deposition from 1989 to 2050. Science Bulletin, 67: 914-917.
32. Zhao WZ, Xiao CW*, Li MX, Xu L, He NP*. Variation and adaptation in leaf sulfur content across China.
2022. Journal of Plant Ecology, doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtac021.
33. Zhao WZ, Xiao CW*, Li MX, Xu L, Li X, He NP*. 2022. Spatial variation and allocation of sulfur among major plant organs in China. Science of the Total Environment, 844: 157155.
34. Li Y, Liu CC, Xu L, Li MX, Zhang JH, He NP*. 2021. Leaf trait networks based on global data: Representing variation and adaptation in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 710530.
35. Li Y, Li Q, Xu L, Li MX, Chen Z, Song ZP, Hou JH*, He NP*. 2021. Plant community traits can explain variation in productivity of selective logging forests after different restoration times. Ecological Indicators, 131: 108181.
36. Liu ZG, Dong N, Zhang HX*, Zhao M, Ren TT, Liu CC, Westerband A, He NP*. 2021. Divergent long- and short-term responses to environmental gradients in specific leaf area of grassland species. Ecological Indicators, 130: 108058.
37. Liu CC, Li Y, Yan P, He NP*. 2021. How to improve the predictions of plant functional traits on ecosystem functioning? Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 12: 622260.
38. Liu CC, Li Y, Xu L, Li MX, Wang JM, Yan P, He NP*. 2021. Stomatal arrangement pattern: A new direction to explore plant adaptation and evolution. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 12: 655255.
39. Ren TT, He NP*, Liu ZG, Li MX, Zhang JH, Li Y, Wei CZ, Lv XT, Han XG*. 2021. Environmental filtering rather than phylogeny determines plant leaf size in three floristically distinctive plateaus. Ecological Indicators, 130: 108049.
40. Sun JG, Liu CC, Hou JH*, He NP*. 2021. Spatial variation of stomatal morphological traits in grassland plants of the Loess Plateau. Ecological Indicators, 128: 107857.
41. Wang RM, He NP*, Li SG, Xu L, Li MX. 2021. Variation and adaptation of leaf water content among species, communities, and biomes.Environmental Research Letters, 16:124038.
42. Wang RL, He NP*, Yu GR*. 2021. Root community traits: scaling-up and incorporating roots into ecosystem functional analyses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 690235.
43. Xu L#, He NP#, Li XZ, Cao HL, Li CN, Wang RL, Wang CH, Yao MJ, Zhou SG, Wang JM. 2021. Local community assembly processes shape β-diversity of soil phoD-harbouring communities in the Northern Hemisphere steppes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30: 2273-2285
44. Zhang JH, Li MX, Xu L, Zhu JX, Dai GH, He NP*. 2021. C:N:P stoichiometry in terrestrial ecosystems in China. Science of the Total Environment, 795: 148849.
45. Zhang Y, He NP*, Li MX, Yan P, Yu GR. 2021. Community chlorophyll quantity determines the spatial variation of grassland productivity. Science of the Total Environment, 801: 149567
46. Zhang JH, Ren TT, Yang JJ, Xu L, Li MX, Zhang YH, Han XG, He NP*. 2021. Leaf multi-element network reveals the change of species dominance under nitrogen deposition. Frontier in Plant Science, 12: 580340.
47. Liu CC, Li Y, Zhang JH, Bird AS, He NP*. 2020. Optimal community assembly related to leaf economic-hydraulic-anatomical traits. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 341.
48. Wang S, Xu L, Zhuang QL, He NP*. 2020. Investigating the spatio-temporal variability of soil organic carbon stocks in different ecosystems of China. Science of the Total Environment, 758: 143644.
49. Xu L, He NP*, Yu GR. 2020. Nitrogen storage in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 709, 136201.
50. Xu L, He NP*. 2020. Nitrogen storage and allocation in China’s forest ecosystems. Science China-EarthSciences, 63, 1475-1484.
51. Yan P#, Xiao CW#, Xu L, Li A, Yu GR, Piao SL, He NP*. 2020. Biomass energy in China's terrestrial ecosystems: Insights into the nation’s sustainable energy supply. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 127, 109857.
52. Zhang QY, Wang QF, Zhu JX, Xu L, Li MX, Rengel Z, Xiao JF, Hobbie EA, Piao SL, Luo WT, He NP*. 2020. Higher soil acidification risk in southerastern Tibetan Plateau. Science of Total Environment, 755: 143372.
53. He HL, Wang SQ, Zhang L, Wang JB, Ren XL, Zhou L, Piao SL, Yan H, Ju WM, Gu FX, Yu SY, Yang, YH, Wang MM, Niu ZG, Ge R, Yan HM, Huang M, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Xie ZQ, Tang ZY, Wu BF, Zhang LM, He NP, Wang QF, Yu GR. 2019a. Altered trends in carbon uptake in China's terrestrial ecosystems under the enhanced summer monsoon and warming hiatus. National Science Review, 6, 505-514.
54. Liu Y, He NP*, Xu L, Tian J, Gao Y, Zheng S, Wang Q, Wen XF, Xu XL, Yakov K. 2019. A new incubation and measurement approach to estimate the temperature response of soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 138, 107596.
55. Wu HH, Lu LY, Zhang YL, Xu C, Yang H, Zhou W, Wang WQ, Zhao LR, He NP*, Smith MD, Han XG, Hartley IP, Yu Q*. 2019.Sediment addition and legume cultivation result in sustainable, long-term increases in ecosystem functions of sandy grasslands. Land Degradation & Development, 30, 1667-1676.
56. Zhao N, Yu GR*, Wang QF, Wang RL, Zhang JH, Liu, CC, He NP*. 2019b. Conservative allocation strategy of multiple nutrients among major plant organs: From species to community. Journal of Ecology, 10.1111/1365-2745.13256.
57. Guan S, An N, Zong N, He YT, Shi P, Zhang JJ*, He NP*. 2018b. Climate warming impacts on soil organic carbon fractions and aggregate stability in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 116, 224-236.
58. He NP#*, Liu CC#, Tian M#, Li ML, Yang H, Yu GR, Guo DL, Smith MD, Yu Q, Hou JH*. 2018. Variation in leaf anatomical traits from tropical to cold-temperate forests and linkage to ecosystem functions. Functional Ecology, 32, 10-19.
59. Liu CC, He NP*, Zhang JH, Li Y, Wang QF, Sack L, Yu GR. 2018a. Variation of stomatal traits from cold temperate to tropical forests and association with water use efficiency. Functional Ecology, 32, 20-28.
60. Liu Y, He NP*, Wen XF, Xu L, Sun XM, Yu GR, Liang LY, Schipper LA. 2018b. The optimum temperature of soil microbial respiration: Patterns and controls. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 121, 35-42.
61. Liu Y, Wen XF, Zhang YH, Tian J, Gao Y, Ostle AJ, Niu SL, Chen SP, Sun XM, He NP*. 2018c. Widespread asymmetric response of soil heterotrophic respiration to warming and cooling. Science of the Total Environment, 635, 423-431.
62. Lu F, Hu HF, Sun WJ, Zhu JJ, Liu GB, Zhou WM, Zhang QF, Shi PL, Liu XP, Wu X, Zhang L, Wei XH, Dai LM, Zhang KR, Sun YR, Xue S, Zhang WJ, Xiong DP, Deng L, Liu BJ, Zhou L, Zhang C, Zheng X, Cao JS, Huang Y, He NP, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Xie ZQ, Tang ZY, Wu BF, Fang JY, Liu GH, Yu GR. 2018. Effects of national ecological restoration projects on carbon sequestration in China from 2001 to 2010. PNAS, 115, 4039-4044.
63. Tang XL, Zhao X, Bai YF, Tang ZY, Wang WT, Zhao YC, Wan HW, Xie ZQ, Shi XZ, Wu BF, Wang GX, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX, Hu HF, He NP, Yang YH, Han WX, He HL, Yu GR, Fang JY, Zhou GY. 2018a. Carbon pools in China's terrestrial ecosystems: New estimates based on an intensive field survey. PNAS, 115: 4021-4026.
64. Tang ZY, Xu WT, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Li JX, Tang XL, Chen DM, Liu Q, Ma WH, Xiong GM, He HL, He NP, Guo YP, Guo Q, Zhu JL, Han WX, Hu HF, Fang JY, Xie ZQ. 2018c. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China's terrestrial ecosystems. PNAS, 115, 6095-6096.
65. Tian J, He NP#, Hale L, Niu SL, Yu GR, Liu Y, Blagodatskaya E, Kuzyakov Y, Gao Q, Zhou JZ. 2018a. Soil organic matter availability and climate drive latitudinal patterns in bacterial diversity from tropical to cold temperate forests. Functional Ecology, 32, 61-70.
66. Wang CH, Wang NN, Zhu JX, Liu Y, Xu XF, Niu SL, Yu GR, Han XG, He NP*. 2018a. Soil gross N ammonification and nitrification from tropical to temperate forests in eastern China. Functional Ecology, 32, 83-94.
67. Wang Q, He NP*, Xu L, Zhou XH. 2018b. Microbial properties regulate spatial variation in the differences in heterotrophic respiration and its temperature sensitivity between primary and secondary forests from tropical to cold-temperate zones. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 262, 81-88.
68. Wang Q, He NP*, Liu Y, Li ML, Xu L, Zhou XH. 2018c. Important interaction of chemicals, microbial biomass and dissolved substrates in the diel hysteresis loop of soil heterotrophic respiration. Plant and Soil, 428, 279-290.
69. Wang RL, Wang QF, Zhao N, Xu ZW, Zhu XJ, Jiao CC, Yu GR*, He NP*. 2018e. Different phylogenetic and environmental controls of first-order root morphological and nutrient traits: Evidence ofmultidimensional root traits. Functional Ecology, 32, 29-39.
70. Zhang JH, Zhao N, Liu CC, Yang H, Li ML, Yu GR, Wilcox K, Yu Q*, He NP*. 2018a. C:N:P stoichiometry in China's forests: From organs to ecosystems. Functional Ecology, 32, 50-60.
71. Zhang JH, He NP*, Liu CC, Xu L, Yu Q, Yu GR. 2018b. Allocation strategies for nitrogen and phosphorus in forest plants. Oikos, 127, 1506-1514.
72. Zhang YH*, He NP*, Loreau M, Pan QM, Han XG*. 2018e. Scale dependence of the diversity-stability relationship in a temperate grassland. Journal of Ecology, 106, 1277-1285.
73. Zhao N, Liu HM, Wang QF, Wang RL, Xu ZW, Jiao CC, Zhu JX, Yu GR*, He NP*. 2018b. Root elemental composition in Chinese forests: Implications for biogeochemical niche differentiation. Functional Ecology, 32, 40-49.
74. Zheng S, Bian HF*, Quan Q, Xu L, Chen Z, He NP*. 2018. Effect of nitrogen and acid deposition on soil respiration in a temperate forest in China. Geoderma, 329, 82-90.
75. He NP*#, Wen D#, Zhu JX, Tang XL, Xu L, Zhang L, Hu HF, Huang M, Yu GR*. 2017. Vegetation carbon sequestration in Chinese forests from 2010 to 2050. Global Change Biology, 23, 1575-1584.
76. Li CL, Cao ZY, Chang JJ, Zhang Y, Zhu GL, Zong N, He YT, Zhang JJ*, He NP*. 2017a. Elevational gradient affect functional fractions of soil organic carbon and aggregates stability in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Catena, 156, 139-148.
77. Li J, He NP*, Xu L*, Chai H, Liu Y, Wang DL, Wang L, Wei XH, Xue JY, Wen XF, Sun XM. 2017c. Asymmetric responses of soil heterotrophic respiration to rising and decreasing temperatures. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 106, 18-27.
78. Liu Y, He NP*, Zh, JX, X, L, Y, GR, Ni, SL, Su, XM, We, XF*. 2017a. Regional variation in the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition in China's forests and grasslands. Global Change Biology, 23, 3393-3402.
79. Liu Y#, Wang CH#, He NP*, Wen XF, Gao Y, Li SG, Niu SL, Butterbach-Bahl K, Luo YQ, Yu GR*. 2017b. A global synthesis of the rate and temperature sensitivity of soil nitrogen mineralization: latitudinal patterns and mechanisms. Global Change Biology, 23, 455-464.
80. Yu HL, He NP#, Wang QF*, Zhu JX, Gao Y, Zhang YH, Jia YL, Yu GR. 2017. Development of atmospheric acid deposition in China from the 1990s to the 2010s. Environmental Pollution, 231, 182-190.
81. Zhang YH*, Loreau M, He NP*, Zhang GM, Han XG*. 2017. Mowing exacerbates the loss of ecosystem stability under nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland. Functional Ecology, 31, 1637-1646.
82. Zhu JX, He NP*, Zhang JH, Wang QF, Zhao N, Jia YL, Ge JP, Yu GR*. 2017. Estimation of carbon sequestration in China's forests induced by atmospheric wet nitrogen deposition using the principles of ecological stoichiometry. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 10.1088/1748-9326/aa1094a1084.
83. Li N, He NP*, Yu GR*, Wang QF, Sun J. 2016. Leaf non-structural carbohydrates regulated by plant functional groups and climate: Evidences from a tropical to cold-temperate forest transect. Ecological Indicators, 62, 22-31.
84. Liu Y, He NP*, Wen XF, Yu GR, Gao Y, Jia YL. 2016. Patterns and regulating mechanisms of soil nitrogen mineralization and temperature sensitivity in Chinese terrestrial ecosystems. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 215, 40-46.
85. Wang Q, He NP*, Liu Y, Li ML, Xu L. 2016a. Strong pulse effects of precipitation events on soil microbial respiration in temperate forests. Geoderma, 275, 67-73.
86. Wang Q, He NP*, Yu GR, Gao Y, Wen XF, Wang RF, Koerner SE, Yu Q*. 2016b. Soil microbial respiration rate and temperature sensitivity along a north-south forest transect in eastern China: Patterns and influencing factors. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 121, 399-410.
87. Wen D, He NP*. 2016. Forest carbon storage along the north-south transect of eastern China: Spatial patterns, allocation, and influencing factors. Ecological Indicators, 61, 960-967.
88. Yu HL, He NP*, Wang QF*, Zhu JX, Xu L, Zhu ZL, Yu GR. 2016b. Wet acid deposition in Chinese natural and agricultural ecosystems: Evidence from national-scale monitoring. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121, 10995-11005.
89. Zhao N, Yu GR*, He NP*, Wang QF, Guo DL, Zhang XY, Wang RL, Xu ZW, Jiao CC, Li NN, Jia YL. 2016. Coordinated pattern of multi-element variability in leaves and roots across Chinese forest biomes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, 359-367.
90. Zhu JX, Wang QF*, Yu HL, Li ML, He NP*. 2016a. Heavy metal deposition through rainfall in Chinese natural terrestrial ecosystems: Evidences from national-scale network monitoring. Chemosphere, 164, 128-133.
91. Zhu JX, Wang QF, He NP*, Smith MD, Elser JJ, Du JQ, Yuan GF, Yu GR, Yu Q*. 2016b. Imbalanced atmospheric nitrogen and phosphorus depositions in China: Implications for nutrient limitation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 121, 1605-1616.
92. He NP*, Zhu JX, Wang QF. 2015. Uncertainty and perspectives in studies of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in China: A response to Liu et al. 2015. Science of the Total Environment, 520: 302-304.
93. Xu L, He NP*, Yu GR*, Wen D, Gao Y, He HL. 2015.. Differences in pedotransfer functions of bulk density lead to high uncertainty in soil organic carbon estimation at regional scales: Evidence from Chinese terrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 120: 1567-1575.
94. Zhu JX, He NP*, Wang QF,* Yuan GF, Wen D, Yu GR, Jia YL. 2015. The composition, spatial patterns, and influencing factors of atmospheric wet nitrogen deposition in Chinese terrestrial ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 511:777-785.
95. He NP, Wang RM, Zhang YH, Chen QS. 2014. Carbon and nitrogen storage in inner mongolian grasslands: relationships with climate and soil texture. Pedosphere, 24:391-398.
96. Gao Y*, He NP*, Wang QF, Miao CY. 2013. Increase of external nutrient input impact on carbon sinks in Chinese coastal seas. Environmental Science & Technology, 47: 13215-13216.
97. He NP, Wang RM, Gao Y, Dai JZ, Wen XF*, Yu GR*. 2013. Changes in the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition with grassland succession: implications for soil C sequestration. Ecology and Evolution, 3:5045-5054.
98. He NP, Chen QS*, Han XG, Yu GR, Li LH. 2012a. Warming and increased precipitation individually influence soil carbon sequestration of Inner Mongolian grasslands, China. Agriculture Ecosystems, Environment, 158: 184-191
99. He NP*, Zhang YH, Dai JZ, Han XG, Yu GR. 2012b. Losses in carbon and nitrogen stocks in soil particle-size fractions along cultivation chronosequences in inner mongolian grasslands. Journal of Environmental Quality, 41: 1507-1516.
100. He NP, Zhang YH, Dai JZ, Han XG, Baoyin TGT, Yu GR*. 2012c. Land-use impact on soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration in typical steppe ecosystems, Inner Mongolia. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 22: 859-873.
101. He NP, Zhang YH, Yu Q, Chen QS, Pan QM, Zhang GM, Han XG*. 2011b. Grazing intensity impacts soil carbon and nitrogen storage of continental steppe. Ecosphere, 2(1): art8.
102. Jiang SC, He NP*, Wu L, Zhou DW*. 2010. Vegetation restoration of secondary bare saline-alkali patches in the Songnen plain. China Applied Vegetation Science, 13: 47-55.
103. He NP*, Wu L, Wang YS, Han XG. 2009. Changes in carbon and nitrogen in soil particle-size fractions along a grassland restoration chronosequence in northern China. Geoderma, 150: 302-308.
104. He NP*, Yu Q, Wu L, Wang YS, Han XG. 2008. Carbon and nitrogen store and storage potential as affected by land-use in a Leymus chinensis grassland of northern China. Soil Biology, Biochemistry, 40: 2952-2959.
105. Wu L, He, N*, Wang Y, Han X. 2008. Storage and dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in soil after grazing exclusion in Leymus chinensis grasslands of northern China. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37: 663-668.
106. He NP, Han XG*, Pan QM. 2005. Variations in the volatile organic compound emission potential of plant functional groups in the temperate grassland vegetation of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 47: 13-19.
107. He NP, Han XG*, Sun W, Pan QM. 2004. Biogenic VOCs emission inventory development of temperate grassland vegetation in Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 16:1024-1032.
108. 刘聪聪, 何念鹏*, 李颖, 张佳慧, 闫镤, 王若梦, 王瑞丽. 2024. 宏观生态学中的植物功能性状研究:历史与发展趋势. 植物生态学报, 48(1): 21-40.
109. 李颖*, 刘聪聪, 何念鹏*. 2024. 植物功能性状网络:概念体系发展与应用进展. 生态学报, 44(18): stxb202401090083。
110. 蔡伟祥,徐丽,李明旭,孙建新,何念鹏*. 2022. 2010-2060年中国森林生态系统固碳速率省际不平衡性及调控策略. 地理学报, 77(7): 1808-182
111. 于贵瑞, 朱剑兴, 徐丽, 何念鹏. 2022. 中国生态系统碳汇功能提升的技术途径: 基于自然解决方案. 中国科学院院刊, 37(4): 490-501.
112. 何念鹏, 刘聪聪, 徐丽, 于贵瑞*. 2020. 生态系统性状对宏生态研究的启示与挑战. 生态学报, 40(8): 2507-2522.
113. 何念鹏, 徐丽, 何洪林*. 2020. 生态系统质量评估方法的再思考—理想参照系和关键指标. 生态学报, 40(6): 1877-1886.
114. 何念鹏*, 刘远, 徐丽, 温学发, 于贵瑞, 孙晓敏. 2018. 土壤有机质分解温度敏感性研究:培养与测定模式. 生态学报, 38: 4045-4051.
115. 何念鹏*, 刘聪聪, 徐丽, 张佳慧, 于贵瑞. 2018. 植物性状研究之机遇与挑战: 从器官到群落. 生态学报, 38: 6787-6796.
116. 何念鹏, 张佳慧, 刘聪聪, 徐丽, 陈智, 刘远, 王瑞丽, 赵宁, 徐志伟, 田静, 王情, 朱剑兴, 李颖, 侯继华, 于贵瑞*. 2018. 森林生态系统之性状的空间格局与影响因素: 基于中国东部样带整合分析. 生态学报, 38: 6359-6382.
117. 徐丽, 何念鹏*. 2020. 中国森林生态系统氮含量分配特征及其影响因素. 中国科学:地球科学, 50(10), 1374-1385.
118. 李娜妮, 何念鹏*, 于贵瑞, 王若梦, 王瑞丽, 赵宁, 徐志伟. 2016. 中国东北典型森林生态系统植物叶片的非结构性碳水化合物研究. 生态学报, 36: 430-438 .
119. 温丁, 何念鹏*. 2016. 中国森林和草地凋落物现存量的空间分布格局及其控制因素. 生态学报, 36: 2876-2884
120. 柴华, 何念鹏*. 2016. 中国土壤容重特征及其对区域碳贮量估算的意义. 生态学报, 36: 3903-3920.
121. 王瑞丽, 于贵瑞, 何念鹏*, 王秋凤, 赵宁, 徐志伟.2016. 气孔特征与叶片功能性状之间关联性沿海拔梯度的变化规律: 以长白山为例. 生态学报, 36: 2175-2184.
122. 赵宁, 张洪轩, 王若梦, 杨满业, 张艳, 赵小宁, 于贵瑞, 何念鹏*. 2014. 放牧对若尔盖高寒草甸土壤氮矿化及其温度敏感性的影响. 生态学报, 33(15): 4234-4241.
123. 徐丽, 于书霞, 何念鹏*, 温学发, 石培礼, 张扬建, 代景忠, 王若梦. 2013. 青藏高原高寒草地土壤碳矿化及其温度敏感性. 植物生态学报, 37(11): 988-997.
124. 朱剑兴, 王秋凤, 何念鹏*, 王若梦, 代景忠. 2013. 内蒙古不同类型草地土壤氮矿化及其温度敏感性. 生态学报, 33(19): 6320-6327.
125. 王丹, 吕瑜良, 徐丽, 何秀, 徐志伟, 赵宁, 王瑞丽, 何念鹏*. 2013. 植被类型变化对长白山森林土壤碳矿化及其温度敏感性的影响. 生态学报, 33(19): 6373-6381
126. 王若梦, 董宽虎, 何念鹏*, 朱剑兴, 代景忠, 施侃侃. 2013. 围封对内蒙古大针茅草地土壤碳矿化及其激发效应的影响. 生态学报, 33(12): 3622-3629.
127. 王丹, 吕瑜良*, 徐丽, 张洪轩, 王若梦, 何念鹏*. 2013. 水分和温度对若尔盖湿地和草甸土壤碳矿化的影响. 生态学报, 33(20): 6436-6443.
128. 何念鹏*, 韩兴国, 于贵瑞, 代景忠. 2012. 火烧对长期封育草地土壤碳固持效应的影响. 生态学报, 32(14): 4388-4395.
129. 代景忠, 卫智军, 何念鹏*, 王若梦, 温学华, 张云海, 赵小宁, 于贵瑞. 2012. 封育对羊草草地土壤碳矿化激发效应和温度敏感性的影响. 植物生态学报, 36(12): 1226-1236.
130. 何念鹏*, 韩兴国, 于贵瑞. 2012. 内蒙古放牧草地土壤碳固持速率和潜力. 生态学报, 32(3): 844-851.
131. 何念鹏*, 韩兴国, 于贵瑞 2011 长期封育对不同类型草地碳贮量及其固持速率的影响 生态学报, 31(15): 4270-4276
132. 何念鹏, 王秋凤, 刘颖慧, 任伟, 于贵瑞* 2011区域尺度陆地生态系统碳增汇途径及其可行性分析 地理科学进展, 30(7): 788-794
133. 何念鹏, 吴泠, 姜世成, 周道玮* 2005 播种虎尾草对松嫩草地次生光碱斑治理的初步研究 草业学报, 14(6): 79-81
134. 何念鹏, 韩兴国*, 潘庆民 2005 植物源VOCs及其对陆地生态系统碳循环的贡献 生态学报, 25(8): 2041-2048
135. 何念鹏, 吴泠, 周道玮 2004 扦插玉米秸秆对光碱斑地虎尾草和角碱蓬存活率的影响 植物生态学报, 28(2): 258–263
136. 何念鹏, 吴泠, 姜世成, 周道玮* 2004 扦插玉米秸秆改良松嫩平原次生光碱斑的研究 应用生态学报, 15(6): 969-972
137. 何念鹏, 吴泠, 周道玮 2004 松嫩草地次生光碱斑种子流及其生态恢复意义 生态学报, 24(6): 843-847
138. 何念鹏, 吴泠, 周道玮 2004 放牧对松嫩平原农牧交错区防护林下草地的影响 应用生态学报, 15(5): 795-798
139. 何念鹏, 吴泠, 周道玮 2004 松嫩草地两种趋异型羊草克隆构型特征比较 应用生态学报, 15(10): 2393-2395
140. 何念鹏, 周道玮, 吴泠, 张玉芬 2001 人为干扰强度对村级景观破碎度的影响 应用生态学报, 12(6): 897-899
141. 何念鹏, 周道玮, 孙刚, 吴泠 2001 人为干扰强度对村级景观结构特征的影响 农村生态环境, 17(2): 9-12
142. 何念鹏, 周道玮, 孙刚, 吴泠 2001 乡村生态学的研究体系与研究趋向探讨 东北师大学报 (自然科学版), 33(3): 80-86
1. 于贵瑞, 何念鹏, 王秋风(编). 2013.《中国生态系统碳收支及其碳汇功能-理论基础与综合评估》, 科学出版社
2. 何念鹏, 于贵瑞, 刘聪聪, 李颖,王瑞丽(著). 2024.《植物功能生态学: 从器官到生态系统》, 科学出版社
1. 2024年,植物群落功能性状及其对生态系统生产力调控机制研究,获得2023年度中国生态环境十大进展,排名第1(1/9)
2. 2023年,“陆地生态系统碳-氮-水循环研究集体”,获2022年度中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(排名4/8)
3. 2023年,“生态有机碳汇的时空分布规律与驱动机制”,获贵州省自然科学一等奖(排名2/7)
4. 2008年,“吉林省西部受损草地祼碱斑改造新技术”,获吉林省科技进步二等奖(排名4/11)
1. 一种室内土壤微生物呼吸连续测定装置(专利号: 201210007361.X)
2. 森林生态系统固碳模型 (Forest carbon sequestration model based on the secondary succession theory [FCS Model], 2016SR110832)
1. 创建了中国科学院兴安岭地球关键带与地表通量观测研究站(简称兴安岭关键带站),2023年担任兴安岭关键带站创始站长至今
2. 带领兴安岭关键带站申请成为第一批国家生态质量综合监测站“黑龙江大兴安岭站(森林)”,并担任其首任站长至今
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Dr. Nianpeng He is a professor at Northeast Forestry University, China. His research focuses on plant functional trait ecology, biogeography, and carbon sink of terrestrial ecosystems. In past decades, his group has conducted a series of innovative works on plant functional traits, and their research helps inform the mechanism of community assembly, biodiversity maintenance, and ecosystem function optimization at large scales. In addition, they have systematically evaluated the carbon stocks, carbon sequestration rate, and carbon sequestration potential under different future scenarios for forest ecosystems in China. Dr. He has successfully obtained more than 20 project grants as PI from highly competitive research funding such as the National Science and Technology Basic Resources Survey Program of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China and published more than 180 peer-reviewed papers as the first or corresponding author.